Welcome to the online home of IUS/Canada, a region of the Inter-University Seminar on Armed Forces and Society.
Please join us for our next two IUS conferences:
- The IUS International Conference in Reston, Virginia, October 2025

Dr. Franklin (""Frank"") Pinch (Past Chair, IUS/Canada and Board/Council Member, and Associate Editor, Armed Forces and Society) congratulates Bonnie Vest outside Yo Hall, on the Royal Military College of Canada campus, upon her being selected for the 2008 Graduate Student Award that bears his name. The Award was presented by current IUS/Canada Chair The Franklin C. Pinch Award is presented to the IUS Conference participant judged to have presented the best Graduate Student paper for that year, and consists of both a Certificate and $500.00. Ms. Vest, a doctoral student in Anthropology at the University of Buffalo, New York, who plans to work in the area of military anthropology. is the second such recipient (the first was Elizabeth St. Jean, Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada). The Vest paper is entitled Cultural Stereotypes, Nationalism, and International Peacekeeping: The National Guard in Kosovo.
Alan Okros,
IUS/Canada Chair
Canadian Forces College
Vanessa Brown
IUS/Canada Conference Program Chair
Canadian Forces College