Armed Forces & Society is the leading peer-reviewed, interdisciplinary, and international journal publishing on military establishments, civil-military relations, the use and limits of force in armed conflict and peacekeeping operations, security, and other related topics. It publishes empirical, theoretically-informed articles, research notes, book reviews, and review essays. Its articles may adopt an interdisciplinary, comparative, or historical perspective, use qualitative or quantitative methods, and range from policy-relevant to theoretical themes, but they always meet high standards of scholarly argument, evidence, and readability.

About the Publication
Armed Forces & Society is edited by Patricia M. Shields, Department of Political Science, Texas State University, and is provided to all IUS Fellows as part of their membership. The journal is published by SAGE Publications.
Download Olldashi's
"Civil-Military Relations in Emerging Democracies as Found in the Articles of Armed Forces & Society."
Download Bowman's
"A Descriptive Study of Manuscripts and Reviewers for the
Armed Forces & Society Journal."